1 table spoon olive oil (一大勺橄榄油) 2 lbs coarse-ground beef chili meat(or ground beef chuck) (2磅切得很粗的牛肉碎粒或牛肉馅) 1-1/2 teaspoons salt (1小勺半盐) 1 teaspoon black pepper (一小勺黑胡椒粉) 1/2cup finely minced onion (半杯切碎的洋葱) 2 cup diced fresh tomatos(两杯切碎的番茄) 2 minced garlic cloves (两瓣蒜剁碎) 1/2 teaspoon dried Mexican orgegano leaves (半小勺干的牛至的碎片) 1 teaspoon fine ground cumin (1小勺滋然粉) 4-6 table spoon Peprika Chili Powder (半杯甜辣椒粉,能吃辣的人可以换成比较辣的品种) 1/2 cup red wine(半杯红酒) 4 cups beef broth (四杯牛肉清汤,我用罐头的) 4 tablespoons Roll Oats (4大勺燕麦片,不是速熟的那种) 做CHILI肉酱只要直接把肉放进热锅里,变色后加1/3个切碎的洋葱.等一小会就会出来很多油水,盖上盖子狭条缝把汁水倒掉.然后再放一勺橄榄油和半杯红酒 (我现在已经悄悄改成中国绍兴料酒了).加黑胡椒,红辣椒粉,盐,滋然粉,燕麦片,牛至碎片,切碎的番茄,两罐牛肉汤,小火慢慢熬着,等番茄煮化后收汁就行了.
table spoon of shredded lettuce (1 大勺切碎的生菜丝)
table spoon of diced tomato (1大勺切碎的番茄)
2 table spoon of diced Jenapeno pepper(半勺切碎的墨西哥小辣椒)
2 table spoon of diced onion(半勺切碎的洋葱)
table spoon of shredded sharp chedar cheese(2 大勺刚擦出来的味道最烈的车打芝士丝)
table spoon mild salsa sauce (1大勺哨撒酱)
tea spoon hot sauce(optional) (一小勺墨西哥辣椒汁,又酸又辣,可选)
table spoon sour cream(optional)(一大勺酸奶油,可选)
piece totilla(1 张墨西哥薄饼,我是在超市买的用面粉做的,也有用玉米面做的)
2 tea spoon fresh lemon juice(半小勺新鲜柠檬汁)